This library is a source generator. BindableProps
helps you to create MAUI components much faster than the standard way. It saves your time and is an essential part of every MAUI project.
Install with dotnet CLI
dotnet add package BindableProps --version 1.3.9
Your csproj
file should has this
12 <Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">3 <ItemGroup>4 <PackageReference Include="BindableProps" Version="1.3.9" />5 </ItemGroup>6 </Project>7
My Code
Generated Code
12 using BindableProps;34 namespace MyMauiApp.Controls;56 public partial class NovelReview : ContentView7 {8 [BindableProp(DefaultBindingMode = (int)BindingMode.OneTime)]9 private string _name = "Kafka On The Shore";1011 [BindableProp]12 private string _author = "Haruki Murakami";1314 public NovelReview()15 {1617 }18 }19